Last Monday saw Grandad attend the local hospital to have his new hearing aid fitted. Perhaps the television volume might get turned down now?
On Tuesday Grandad managed to see two films. He went to Hull as usual to see Cemetery Junction and then to Pocklington in the evening to see Sex & Drugs & Rock and Roll - one film he had missed.
Wednesday saw Nanna and Grandad take me up to Burton Agnes Hall where they bought season tickets to the grounds. I enjoyed a good run through the woods managing to root out a couple of pheasants.
On Thursday Nanna and Grandad went off to Hull to see a film called The Ghost calling at Pizza Express on the way back. Nanna then joined Katy to watch Dawn playing violin at a local concert.
Friday saw Nanna off to her usual dancing classes whilst Grandad went off to see a film called Date Night.
On Saturday evening N & G went to watch the Driffield Male Voice Choir.
Sunday saw Nanna leave very early to join Katy watching Dawn in a Gymnastics competition.