Monday, 25 October 2010


I have a problem. In some situations I won't walk !! Yes a dog that won't walk. Can't explain what's happened to me but I go out of the house and stop at the end of the drive. I also have problems sometimes when I am out walking (after being driven somewhere) that I don't want to go down a particular road or street. Most distressing for me and Nanna and Grandad who are doing their best to help me. I'm not too bad if I am taken somewhere (like the Woodland Walk at Burton Agnes Hall) as I was yesterday but its just a problem getting off the drive etc.
Been for assessment with a professional dog trainer. Basically there's nothing wrong with me. Its up to my owners to get it right. Tried walking off the drive with the dog trainer, then Nanna and then Grandad. Got it right every time !! Good dog ????????


Some weeks ago we noticed a patch of water in the hall once the central heating was switched on. Despite various "attempts" to sort it out we still had a leak. British Gas have been today and dug up some tiles in the hall to discover water, mould and some very black boards. It would appear that the pipe to the hall radiator has been spilling water under the floor for some time probably since the house was built !! Gradually getting worse and worse until it showed itself above ground. Grandad has been "topping up" the system which has then been leaking out. Hopefully once the pipes have been re-soldered we will be ok. Fingers crossed !

Monday, 11 October 2010


In order to try and help him over his recent problems Grandad has started to play bowls joining Middleton-on-the-Wolds bowls club. He has joined the afternoon Winter league so has 21 games to play between now and mid March. On average thats once a week which will suit him well. He's already bought some bowls shoes and been lent some "woods" so he's well equipped already. He can go and practice anytime. Amazingly enough they won their first game last Thursday !!!

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


Nanna and Dawn receive their certificates and trophies at Shuffles presentation day.