Sunday, 28 November 2010


Father Christmas arrived at his grotto yesterday morning to be greeted by a giant panda in thick snow. Some of the characters from the forthcoming Starstruck panto Aladdin were there to meet him. Unfortunately (and maybe because of the bad weather) only 9 children turned up to talk to Santa on his first day.

Friday, 26 November 2010


Hello folks, sorry i've been a bit quiet over the past few weeks. I'm back to (more or less) walking normally again. I seem to ok in the morning but still turn right and not left at night. Put it down to fireworks and the bangs and screeches. I still don't like bangs and they can make me stop walking. Maybe it's a collie thing. Snow is on the ground again and its very cold and icy but I quite like the snow. Grandad is still making good progress and taking his pills regularly. He bought some jeans last thinks he's trendy!! He'll be Father Christmas shortly at the Cranswick Garden centre. Nanna is busy making a costume for Dawn who is to star as the "Genie of the ring" in Starstruck's forthcoming panto of Aladdin. She's also been very busy organising things for Santa's Grotto. Only 4 weeks to Xmas, I wonder what i'll get this year ???