Well we have finally got rid of the snow and ice but it took a long time and definitely cost me walking time. We still have a lot of snow at a place called Garrowby which is a long steep hill on the main road to York. However the snow was replaced by a monsoon which lasted 24 hours. Garden under water again. Water water everywhere. Dawn was starring in her school Xmas play - she was a wise woman !! Nanna and Grandad said the show was very good. Then on Friday Dawn's Starstruck Theatre Group put on a singing show and once more Dawn made a good contribution. (They do their pantomime very soon). To round off the week we had both Nanna and Dawn starring in a Shuffles Dance Class "Showcase". Lots of tap dancing with the little ones doing some cheerleading. All very entertaining. It was Martin's 10th birthday last Friday but you can read all about that on Uncle Simon's blog
http://simesstuff.blogspot.com/After all the snow and ice Grandad took me to the beach earlier today. We're lucky really that the beach is only 10 miles away but the sea was a bit rough and there were lots of dogs about. Yes I chased around with a few. Found one that was chasing me in a big circle and then we changed over and I chased him. Got cream crackered a bit. Good fun for an hour or so. Must remember not to drink seawater - it has a sort of flushing out effect !! No comment. Hope you like the picture - only taken three hours ago
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