A further three films have been seen by Grandad this week. He went to see Valkyrie - the story of a plot to kill Adolf Hitler - with Nana and said it was excellent, certainly 8/10. Underworld : Rise of the Lycans was the second one which is a tale of vampires versus werewolves probably 6/10. The third was "The curious case of Benjamin Button" a story of someone who is born an old man and then grows younger with age. Grandad was slightly disappointed, said it was like Forrest Gump in reverse and rates it no more than 6/10. No doubt it will win lots of awards!!!Another XBox game was played yesterday with Grandad coming back from 4 down to beat Uncle Pand at the first extra hole. The house smells of curry from Grandads efforts cooking red chicken parsee last night.
We're just waiting for our back porch building man so my walk is delayed this morning. However, I did get back to the Big Wood yesterday and enjoyed myself scampering around the trees.
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