Wednesday 26 November 2008


Grandad and I were out for my nightly walk last night and we saw a fox in the middle of the road. He quickly dashed between some houses and was gone.


Christmas will soon be here lots of presents and nice things to eat. Grandad says we are going to Scotland to see Martin and Mikey (and Karen & Simon of course) so we might be having roast Haggis for Xmas dinner. Now i've never had Haggis so I hope they find one and shoot it quickly, so it will be ready in time. Funny looking thing isn't it ??

Sunday 23 November 2008


Lots of snow yesterday, last night and today. Look what happened to me - digging out my old bone from under the snow. It's funny cos I go into the garden and the snow turns yellow. I wonder why.............?

Saturday 22 November 2008


Unfortunately Monday morning started very badly. A phone call at 08.15 from Katy started it all. Her car had been hit at the back by a van when it was stood at traffic lights. She was ok but has suffered a bit of "whiplash" so didn't go to work for a few days - very sensible. The car will take a good 2 weeks to repair. Not Katy's fault but little consolation. Grandad decided he would go to Hull on the train and missed it by 30 seconds !! Had to wait nearly an hour for the next one. Leaves on the line was the excuse !! He has managed 4 films this week. "Zack and Miri Make a P****" (comedy), Baader-Meinhof Complex, Quantum of Solace, and Max Payne. He's fully equipped to award the Oscars now. By the way he missed the train back from Hull on Monday as well but then it didn't matter too much, they were back to running every half hour (although this one was 10 minutes late) Tuesday saw Grandad go for his diabetic check up and all was ok apart from cholesterol which was up a bit. He followed that with a trip to the local hospital for continued investigation into his akneemea. Now he has to go to a hospital in Hull when they put tubes into him from both ends. He is a real HOSPIPHOBE so the kicking and screaming have yet to start.
Dawn had to go to school on Friday dressed in "Tudor" costume so Nana spent most of Thursday making her a dress. The picture is shown above. They have been doing The Tudors in history at school. A few more Tiggers have arrived on the scene - A Halloween Trick or Treat one, A Cowboy one, a winter skier and a big hot water bottle cover. Not bad for a week's Tigger work!!
He missed two as well being outbid by miles.

Sunday 9 November 2008


November 8th is Grandma Eileen's 85th birthday and Colin's 58th birthday. Nana and Grandad went to York to meet Grandad's brother Peter and his wife Jill to take Grandma out for dinner at a restaurant called One19TheMount. By all accounts it was very good. I spent the evening with Colin, Jan and the boys rather than be on my own listening for those screeching fireworks again.

Thursday 6 November 2008


Hello everyone. Just to tell you all that I survived the night of screeching and bangs. I was shaking and panting heavily for several hours last night but I got through it and I think i'm ok today. Hope thats it but there still might be one or two this weekend. I'm ALIVE and kicking (and scratching - that word BATH got mentioned again.)

Wednesday 5 November 2008


Its that day again. Guy Fawkes night. I hate it. Its all them screaming noises and bangs. They scare me so much that I shake very badly. Two nights already its been bad and tonight will be another. I know its fun but think of us poor old dogs (and cats). We hear all those noises that you humans don't.

Sunday 2 November 2008


Auntie Katy had a halloween party for some of her friends and children. I went but without a costume and everybody made a big fuss of me. I had to resist the party food as it doesn't like me. The kiddies went out Trick or Treating and played lots of games like Apple Bobbing, Wrap the Mummy, Hunt the Pumpkin and everybody seemed to have a good time.
On Saturday the 1st November there were a lot of fireworks being let off and screeching sky rockets which I didn't like at all. I was not a happy dog for a couple of hours shaking very badly and very frightened.
I seem to be ok this morning.